We will contact you by phone call or text if any suitable shifts are on offer that match your availability, please respond promptly to secure the shift.
Regardless of whether you are looking for temporary or permanent employment, we can assist you to find work that both suits your schedule and makes the most of your experience and interests.
For more information on the current opportunities available please register with us below.

The following are required for employment
- Registered and Enrolled Nurses must have current AHPRA Registration
- Police Check issued in the last 3 years
- Must be eligible to work in Australia
- Minimum of 12 months post graduation Nursing Experience in Australia
- 2 Contactable Work Referees

Shifts may be available in these areas at Public and Private Facilities:
- Medical and Surgical Wards
- Maternity and Special Care Units
- Intensive Care Units
- Emergency Departments
- Rural and Remote
- Aged Care Homes

Benefits for working with DNA
- Excellent wages and conditions
- Weekly reliable pay cycle
- Shift Flexibility – work the shifts you want on the days you want.
- Variety of shifts on offer
- Ongoing professional development and training.
Frequently Asked Questions
I can only work selective days, will this be an issue?
Not at all, let us know when you can work and we will contact you if we have any available shifts on those days.
I have recently graduated as an RN/EN can I work for Downs Nursing?
We require you to have 12 months fulltime experience working in Australia as a RN/EN before you can apply to work with us.
Training Opportunities & Helpful Links
Helpful Links are below.
Information and Training courses are available from the ANMF, QNMU and Bloodsafe sites below, please click on the links and complete training when required.
Enquire Today
Your enquiry has been sent to us.
We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.